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2021-06-22 15:50  



近年来,以第一作者和通讯作者发表核心SCI期刊论文6篇,参与发表SCI期刊9篇,主持或参与国家专利4项,获得菏泽学院优秀科研成果奖三等奖2项, 菏泽市科研成果奖二等奖1项(第二位),2020年菏泽市科技进步奖二等奖1项(第二位)。





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31972446):基于抑花基因TFL1功能的牡丹连续开花分子调控机制研究,2020.01-2013.12, 59万, (2/8).

2. 山东省科技厅重点攻关项目(软科学);结构、规模与效益—乡村振兴背景下鲁西南地区农民专业合作社发展路径研究,2021-2022, 1万元,2/6.

3. 山东省高等学校青创人才引育计划项目-应用生物技术创新团队2019.10-2022.09,100万,1/24.

4. 山东省科技厅重点攻关项目(2011GSF12114):啤酒废酵母环境友好型多糖提取及蛋白质利用新工艺研究, 2011-2014, 2/12。

5. 山东省自然科学基金-面上项目(ZR2016CM19):不同基因型冬瓜植株累积DEHP差异的生理生化机制研究,2016-2020,2/6。

6. 山东省教育厅科技项目(J07WJ53):复方中草药多糖对机体免疫水平影响的研究,2007-2012,1/6。

7. 菏泽学院博士基金(XY16BS11): 观赏牡丹花期的分子调控机制,2017-2020,1/6。

1. Huibo Song,Guihong Zhao, Ming Zhang, Ruiming Bi, Xinhui Meng, Junliu Song, Bo Wang, Jian Liu, Li Liu, YongmeiLyu, Xiaoyang Zhang. Optimization of the UDP-Xyl biocatalytic synthesis from Crassostrea gigas by orthogonal design method. Protein Expression and Purification, 2022,190.

2. Ming Zhang, Chunqiao Zhao, Lei Song, Chao Sun, Yuxuan Ma, Qiang Liu, Yiming Yu, Guosong Zhang, Guisheng Zhang*, Haili Zhang*. Complete mitochondrial genome of Tachysurus vachellii, natural diploid catfish from Nansi Lake. Mitochondrial DNA B. 2021; 6(10): 3004–3005.

3. Li T, Zhu D, Han Z, Zhang J,Zhang M* and Yan Y*Label-Free Quantitative ProteomeAnalysis Reveals the Underlying Mechanisms of Grain Nuclear Proteins Involved in Wheat Water- Deficit Response.Front. Plant Sci. 2021,12:748487.5/6(通讯作者)

4. Guang-Can Zhou *, Wen Li, Yan-Mei Zhang, Yang Liu, Ming Zhang, Guo-Qing Meng, Min Li and Yi-Lei Wang. Distinct Evolutionary Patterns of NBS-Encoding Genes in Three Soapberry Family (Sapindaceae) Species. Frontiers in Genetics Front. Genet. 2020, 11:737.

5. Ming Zhang*, Guihong Zhao, Guisheng Zhang, Xinyang Wei, Mingxia Shen, Liping Liu, Xiangying Ding, Yong Liu. A targeted analysis of flavonoids in asparagus using the UPLC-MS technique. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 2020, 38 (2): 77–83

6. Ming Zhang , Dongwen Lv , Pei Ge, Yanwei Bian, Guanxing Chen, Gengrui Zhu, Xiaohui Li, Yueming Yan*. Phosphoproteome analysis reveals new drought response and defense mechanisms of seedling leaves in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of proteomics 2014, 109, 290-308 (SCI 2区, If :3.914,被引证33次).

7. Ming Zhang, Cao-Ying Ma, Dong-Wen Lv, Shou-Min Zhen, Xiao-Hui Li, and Yue-Ming Yan*. Comparative Phosphoproteome Analysis of the Developing Grains inBread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Well-Watered and Water-Deficit Conditions. Journal of proteome research 2014, 13, 4281–4297(SCI 2区, If :4.268,被引证8次).

8. Ming Zhang, Guan-Xing Chen, Dong-Wen Lv, Xiao-Hui Li, and Yue-Ming Yan*. N-Linked Glycoproteome Profiling of Seedling Leaf in Brachypodium distachyon L. Journal of proteome research 2015, 14, 1727-1738 (SCI 2区, If :3.78,被引证4次).

9. Lin-Lin Yuan1, Ming Zhang1, Xing Yan1, Yan-Wei Bian, Shou-Min Zhen & Yue-Ming Yan*. Dynamic Phosphoproteome Analysis of Seedling Leaves in Brachypodium distachyon L. Reveals Central Phosphorylated Proteins Involved in the Drought Stress Response. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 35280. (SCI 2区, IF: 4.259)

10. Ming Zhang, Zhiwei Shen, Guoqing Meng, Yu Lu, Yilei Wang* Genome-wide analysis of the Brachypodium distachyon (L.) P. Beauv. Hsp90 gene family reveals molecular evolution and expression profiling under drought and salt stresses. PLoS ONE12(12):e0189187(SCI 3区, IF: 2.282)

11. Zhen S, Deng X, Zhang M, Zhu G, Lv D, Wang Y, Zhu D, Yan Y*. Comparative Phosphoproteomic Analysis under High-Nitrogen Fertilizer Reveals Central Phosphoproteins Promoting Wheat Grain Starch and Protein Synthesis. Front Plant Sci. 2017, 8:67(SCI 2区, IF: 4.298)

12. Dong-Wen Lv, Pei Ge, Ming Zhang, Zhi-Wei Cheng, Xiao-Hui Li, and Yue-Ming Yan*. Integrative Network Analysis of the Signaling Cascades in Seedling Leaves of Bread Wheat by Large-Scale Phosphoproteomic Profiling. Journal of proteome research 2014, 13, 2381−2395 (SCI 2区, If :4.268).

13. Dong-Wen Lv, Xin Li, Ming Zhang, Ai-Qin Gu, Shou-Min Zhen, Chang Wang, Xiao-Hui Li and Yue-Ming Yan*. Large-scale phosphoproteome analysis in seedling leaves of Brachypodium distachyon L. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:375 (SCI 2区, If :3.729).

14. Guanxing Chen, Jiantang Zhu, Jianwen Zhou, Saminathan Subburaj, Ming Zhang, Caixia Han, Pengchao Hao, Xiaohui Li* and Yueming Yan. Dynamic development of starch granules and the regulation of starch biosynthesis in Brachypodium distachyon: comparison with common wheat and Aegilops peregrine. BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14:198(SCI 2区, If :3.964).

15. Shoumin Zhen, Caixia Han, Chaoying Ma, Aiqin Gu, Ming Zhang, Xixi Shen, Xiaohui Li and Yueming Yan*. Deletion of the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit allele Glu-A3a of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) significantly reduces dough strength and breadmaking quality. BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14:367 (SCI 2区, If :3.964).

1. 国家实用新型专利(ZL201621225630.X):免疫实验动物捕捉和注射固定装置,1/3,2017.08。

2. 国家发明专利(ZL 201410194577.0):利用啤酒废酵母制备海藻糖及酵母膏的方法,5/5,2016.08。

3. 国家实用新型专利(ZL201621148667.7): 一种小白鼠捕捉及解剖装置, 2/3, 2017.09。

4. 国家实用新型专利(ZL201621148668.1): 一种实验室用简易动物捕捉装置, 2/3, 2017.04。









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