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2023-06-21 17:11  

崔迪,中南大学化学专业博士研究生。2021年2月入职菏泽学院,主要研究方向为人造纳米材料及砷的环境行为与毒理研究。任教《无机及分析化学》、《现代仪器分析》、《物理化学》等课程。主持或参与科研项目4项:(1)主持山东省自然科学青年基金,2022.01-2025.01;(2)主持中南大学环境与水资源研究中心开放基金,2021.05-2023.05;(3)主持菏泽学院博士基金,2021.02-2026.02;(4)参与农业部项目(No. 201503108)、湖南省科技厅项目(No. 2017WK2091)、国家自然科学基金(11275215, 11275218 and 11375009)、纳米二氧化铈植物安全试验(国家“973”分课题)。发表论文6篇。

1. Di Cui, Peng Zhang, Haipu Li, Zhaoxue Zhang, Wenbao Luo, Zhaoguang Yang. Biotransformation of dietary inorganic Arsenic in a freshwater fish Carassius auratus and the unique association between arsenic dimethylation and oxidative Stress[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 122153.  IF=14.2,一区TOP
2. Yang Song, FengLin Zhang, Haipu Li, Bo Qiu, Ya Gao, Di Cui, Zhaoguang Yang. Antioxidant defense system in lettuces tissues upon various As species exposure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 399, 123003.  IF=14.2,一区TOP
3. Di Cui, Peng Zhang, Haipu Li, Zhaoxue Zhang, Yang Song, Zhaoguang Yang. The dynamic effects of different inorganic arsenic species in crucian carp (Carassius auratus) liver during chronic dietborne exposure: Bioaccumulation, biotransformation and oxidative stress. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 727, 138737.  IF=10.8,一区TOP
4. Di Cui, Peng Zhang, Haipu Li, Zhaoxue Zhang, Yang Song, Zhaoguang Yang. The dynamic changes of arsenic biotransformation and bioaccumulation in muscle of freshwater food fish crucian carp Carassius auratus during chronic dietborne exposure. Journal of environmental sciences. 2021, 100, 74-81.  IF=6.8,二区
5. Di Cui, Peng Zhang, Yuhui Ma, Xiao He, Yuanyuan Li, Jing Zhang, Yuechun Zhao and Zhiyong Zhang. Effect of cerium oxide nanoparticles on asparagus lettuce cultured in an agar medium[J]. Environmental Science: Nano, 2014, 1(5):459-465.  IF=9.5,一区TOP
Cover story, RSC-Environ. Sci.: Nano
6. Di Cui, Peng Zhang, Yuhui Ma, Xiao He, Yuanyuan Li, Yuechun Zhao, Zhiyong Zhang. Phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles to cucumber (Cucumissativus) and wheat (Triticum aestivum)[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2014,662-670.






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